Thursday, October 23, 2008

Small Rant Session

This is more of a rant and rave as well as a period of questioning. I was faced with a mild dilemma this past week after receiving an email from my grandmother. Knowing all to well we have all dealt with a similar situation and also just can not stand it. What am I talking about, chain emails, surveys, and whatever else may pop up in our in box.

I have found there to be two basic types the first is the informational. These ones specialize in appealing to our emotions and trying to get us to make as many changes to our lives as possible. The latest was a one sharing the prominence of a new street drug that is harming local children. The interesting part is that there are never any actual areas mentioned and more often than not you can not find any news stories related to it. They claim it appears as pop rocks and tastes exactly the same minus the effects that occur afterword. It’s also sort of interesting to me that it is occurring around Halloween much like the old stories of kids dying from razor blades in apples that they received as treats. So instead of spreading the story via word of mouth like the old ones, they are using their email lists.

The next type is those that call for political change of some sort. Whether it is to change something that has been done or it has to due with getting some more coverage under a media spotlight to expose the corrupt politicians. More often that not they are something that we can agree with, it is just hard to find the time to forward the information. It becomes even harder to decide to bother our friends and risk how they will feel based on our decision to foreword these things.

The major thing for all of these is that it is so evident how many people could be reached by simply having each person sending it to 2 other people. The possibilities are so great that it is nearly impossible to fathom so many connections. The only thing that is potentially equal in sheer size to the potential is having everyone on face book join one single group, oh wait they did its called face book.

To put it bluntly I am tired of the inbox being full of useless things that do not mean anything to me because if I was truly interested I would I would go and find the information on my own through news web sights that are relevant to me. Why can't peopel simple send you an interesting like that they found that way you can see for yourself it the infromation even holds any possible truth.


Amanda said...

I completely agree with you. My friend is always sending me chain emails that she forwards from her mom. Can’t you just call and say “hey I’m thinking about u” instead of sending an extremely annoying email? I don’t understand if people have nothing to do with their lives or what. Also is when stores always ask for your email address. You already sent countless papers in the mail to my house. Why do you also need to fill up my inbox with your sale on t-shirts?

Blaise said...

I agree I hate when my inbox is full of useless mail. My mom sends them to me all the time I do not even open them any more. This also made me think about texting forwards(FWD) I just dont see the point. They say things like send this to 10 other people or this or that will happen. That seriously can not be true and somehow I recieve like 10 of the same texts that night. The only differece between stories that are passed on by mouth and ones through e-mail is that I think e-mails have less of a chance of miscommunication. The story probably is not changed.